abel zavala


fonca young creators scholarship, , national fund for culture and the arts, mexico, 2020-2021
fonca young creators scholarship, national fund for culture and the arts, mexico, 2011-2012

abel zavala is represented in asia, europe, and the usa by ammann//gallery (cologne, germany) and in latin america by angulo0 (mexico city, mexico).


abel zavala (mexico, 1986) has a degree in arts from the universidad veracruzana and is among a generation of younger artists who have embraced traditional ceramics in xalapa, veracruz, mexico.

zavala bases his practice on traditional techniques while drawing inspiration from the rich forest in his hometown, xalapa. he is known for accentuating the texture and feel of the materials, such as the consistency and colour of local clays, the whiteness of the porcelain, the metallic aspect of the iron or cobalt oxides, and the fire’s surprise. at the same time, zavala conveys the movements and forms of nature and allows a reflection on the behaviour of living beings and their coexistence.

© Abel Zavala 'Open Larvae' courtesy ammann gallery

Open Larvae White

year: 2022
material: porcelain
measurements: w 68 x d 12 x h 8 cm
w 26.8 x d 4.7 x h 3.1 inches

© abel zavala golden leave bowl ammann gallery

Golden Leaf Bowl

year: 2017
material: high temperature ceramic
measurements: w 70 x d 26 x h 11 cm
w 27.6 x d 10.2 x h 4.3 inches


epiphytes wall sculptures

the epiphytes series is inspired, as the name suggests, by epiphytes, which are plants or plant-like organisms that coexist harmoniously on the surface of other plants without causing harm to the host. they use the host, also called photophyte, only as structural support and derive moisture and nutrients from the air, rain, water and debris accumulated around them. zavala crafted individual white and black ceramic sculptures that add texture to the wall and create an ambience that blends in with its surroundings but simultaneously surprises the viewer by uncovering unexpected textures and materials.

material: porcelain and porcelain with raku
customisable installation
unique pieces

© Abel Zavala 'Petrified Epiphytes' ammann gallery
© Abel Zavala 'White Epiphytes' ammann gallery
© Abel Zavala 'Black Epiphytes' ammann gallery

larvae wall sculptures

zavala’s larvae series is inspired by larve, the juvenile forms of animals before they undergo metamorphosis into adults. the longitudinal shape created with clay is perforated to create different textures. complimenting these wall pieces is the open larve bowl, which moves between the functional and the sculptural. its ambiguity is sought in form and function; they are undefined objects that could be an abandoned cocoon or a leaf found on the forest floor in zavala’s hometown, xalapa.

material: porcelain
customisable installation
unique pieces

© Abel Zavala 'White Larvae and Epiphytes' ammann gallery
© Abel Zavala 'White Larvae' ammann gallery
© Abel Zavala 'Pink Larvae' ammann gallery
© Abel Zavala 'White Larvae' ammann gallery

genesis wall sculptures

the genesis series series is the artist’s homage to sporogenesis, the process of spore formation. spores are bodies formed for dispersal purposes; they fly and give rise to a new plant when deposited in a place with good conditions. zavala particularly noted the light and translucent nature of spores. to imitate this characteristic with a solid material such as ceramics, the artist made each piece with thin mud sheets and hundreds of perforations done by hand, giving the illusion of the ceramic piece becoming more translucent. in addition to the black and white genesis pieces, zavala created the genesis spores wall sculptures made from unperforated porcelain featuring vivid colours.

material: porcelain
customisable installation
unique pieces

© Abel Zavala 'Genesis' ammann gallery
© Abel Zavala 'Genesis' ammann gallery
© Abel Zavala 'Genesis Black' ammann gallery

genesis spores wall sculptures

in addition to the black and white genesis pieces, zavala created the genesis spores wall sculptures made from unperforated porcelain featuring vivid colours.

material: porcelain
customisable installation
unique pieces

© Abel Zavala Genesis Spores courtesy ammann//gallery

© ammann // gallery 2024

teutoburger str. 27 / d-50678 köln
phone +49 (0) 221 932 88 03 / office@ammann-gallery.com

exhibition open by appointment
office hours, mo - fri, 9 am - 6 pm